Make Loan Payments and Get Gifts
Make free loan payments online on or through EvocaTOUCH app and get a gift - AMD 30,000
Do you have a loan with Evoca?
Do you make monthly payments?
Do you wish to get a gift – an Evoca Gift Card with AMD 30,000?
During the period March 1 through June 1 make online loan payments on or using EvocaTOUCH app, and get a chance to participate in a special draw.
On Facebook live, 15 loan agreements codes will be randomly chosen to give those borrowers an Evoca Gift Card worth AMD 30,000.
You can pay on in two ways:
- Logging into EvocaOnine or
- Without registration log into the website by pressing Instant Payments, Evocabank, Loan repayment button in the top left hand corner. You need to fill out the loan agreement code, for example, TV12345, and make monthly payment with any bank card.
You can make loan payments using EvocaTOUCH app in two ways:
- By logging into EvocaTOUCH or
- Without registration log into the website by pressing at the bottom the Wallet, Evocabank, Loan Repayment button. You need to fill out the loan agreement codes, for example, TV12345, and make monthly payment with any bank card.
All payments made on the website and via the app as part of the promotional campaign will be executed free of charge, without charging the relevant commission fee.