Deputy Chairman of Management Board
1991 - graduated from Yerevan Institute of National Economy (qualification of Economist)
1997 - graduated from the Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Management (qualification of lawyer, international relations specialist)
1991-2001 - worked as a specialist, leading specialist, chief specialist and then head of the Internal Audit Department at "Hayagrobank" OJSC
2001-2002 - worked as the Head of the Financial Markets Operations Department at "Hayagrobank" OJSC
2002-2003 - worked as Deputy Head of Banking Operations and Cash Flow Management Department - Head of Correspondence and Customer Service Department at "Hayagrobank" OJSC
2003-2007 - worked as a Deputy Finance Director at “V.I.P.S.K” LLC
2007-2008 - worked as the Head of the Internal Audit Department at "Prometey Bank" CJSC
2008-2017 - worked as the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board at "Prometey Bank" CJSC
2017 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board at Evocabank