The first digital bank in Armenia
Move towards the digital future of your business with Evocabank!
Evocabank will install a V-POS terminal on your website, allowing you to avoid additional costs of software, certification, and more.
Fill out application
- Daily Interest Income* 0
- Amount of Periodic Interest Income 0
- Net-income 0
Interest on the deposit is taxed at the rate of 10% income tax
Ավանդային պայմանագրի համաձայն, տոկոսագումարների պարբերաբար վճարման դեպքում (ամսական, եռամսյակային, կիսամյակային)` օրական կտրվածքով հաշվարկվող տոկոսագումարը բազմապատկել համապատասխան օրերի քանակով (ավանդի վերադարձման օրվա դիմաց տոկոսագումար չի հաշվարկվում):
This is a preliminary calculation and is not a public offer.
In case of conversion of an amount exceeding 20,000 US dollars or equivalent into another foreign currency, the transaction is confirmed at the discretion of the Bank and at the rate established by the Bank. It is necessary to present an identity document for exchange transactions of more than 100,000 drams or its equivalent in foreign currency.
Our addresses
Bank addresses, opening hours, ATMs
Annual interest rate
Loan term
Total (loan + interest)
Month | Payable interest | Partial repayment of the loan | Monthly loan payment |
Total |
A bank which is an exceptional wonder within the reality of Armenia. Only by giving this opportunity to young families to buy an apartment with such a low interest rate deserves great respect. Thanks for being here.