3D Secure - the most secure online-shopping
The Bank has introduced 3D Secure - the most secure system for making internet transactions via payment cards.
The Bank has introduced 3D Secure - the most secure system for making internet transactions via payment cards. It reduces the risk of card defalcations in online payment websites.
From now on, the transactions of the Bank’s cardholders are ensured with another level of security - sms confirmation. When making online transactions, the cardholders who have previously enabled their sms, will receive a code on the phone number attached to their card, which should be inserted in the site to confirm the transaction.
If the customer hasn’t enabled sms yet, he can visit any branch of Prometey Bank and fill in the application needed. The cardholder will not incur any expenses other than AMD 20 per sms.
3D Secure system is supported by those sites which have MasterCard SecureCode logo placed.
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