Visa Infinite

Evoca Visa Infinite is the highest tier of Visa-branded cards.

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Visa Infinite

Credit limit provided by Visa Infinite credit cards

Our Visa Infinite partners can get a special credit limit with preferential conditions. The limit can be applied through the EvocaTouch application, on all days of the week and at any time, without additional paperwork and wasting time or by visiting any of our offices.

Online applications are approved automatically, 24/7, notification of application approval is received through the EvocaTouch app within minutes.

Who can apply

Individual residents of RA between the age of 21-65 who are  Visa Infinite cardholders of the Bank


1,000,000 - 10,000,000


Limit type

Revolving credit limit with grace period

Limit provision process

The credit limit is granted via Bank’s Visa Infinite payment cards



Nominal interest rate



Grace period

Up to 45 days

Repayment period

12-36 months

Statement day

By 10 of each month

Repayment period

A grace period is defined for the repayment of utilized credit limit: from the 1st of the current month till 16th of the following month.

If during the period of 1-16 of each month (if 16th of the given month is non-working than the due date is considered to be the next working day) the accrued debt as per the previous month statement is fully repaid, no any interest calculated for the utilized amount.

In case if the debt is not fully repaid during the above-mentioned period, interest is accrued since the date of the use up till full repayment of the debt.


Monthly minimal payment overdue penalty - 0,015% daily,

Accrued interest overdue penalty- 0,1% daily

Creditworthiness assessment (credit approval criteria)

Important criteria for credit provision is considered to be:

  1. Absence of loans with substandard or stricter classification for the last 12 months, absence of overdue or classified loans during the application submission (including guarantees) and total number of overdue days should not exceed 30 days for the previous 12 months.
  2. Valid income
  3. If necessary, a guarantee of at least 1 (one) physical person or 1 (one) legal person may be required

Deadlines for approving or rejecting loan provision

  • The decision to approve or reject the loan is made within 7 (seven) working days maximum.
  • The loan is granted in case of Bank’s positive decision, within 5 (five) working days maximum.  

Online and Mobile Banking

Evocabank is a fast, simple and innovative service bank, distinguished by the active use of the latest information technologies.

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