“Best Sub-Custodian bank” of Armenia in 2011
Global Finance reputable magazine selected the Bank as one of the World’s Best Sub-Custodian Banks in 2011 and the “Best Sub-Custodian Bank” of Armenia.
On May 16, 2011 Global Finance reputable magazine selected the Bank as one of the World’s Best Sub-Custodian Banks in 2011 and the “Best Sub-Custodian Bank” of Armenia.
For making the decision, customer relations, quality of service, competitive pricing, technology platforms, business continuity plans and knowledge of local regulations and other criteria were taken into account.
As Mr. Joseph Giarraputo, publisher of Global Finance said “We have identified those banks that do the best job of asset servicing and protection in markets around the world.”
The official press release can be found on the following address:
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